When requested to design and build a Peavey Century amp's preamp in pedal form on the talkbass forum, I built this one for myself (and 4 others) using the factory schematic. It's an ALL discrete transistor circuit and is the amp's exact same preamp circuit running at the same voltage. It has a charge pump in it to convert 9 volts to 24 volts, so it runs on a standard Onespot 9 volt power supply. Due to it being a very complicated circuit, I am only going to offer one more for sale. It features a Pre-gain control (that will go from clean to heavily overdrven), Bass, Middle and Treble controls, a Distortion control (with a dedicated footswitch for it) and finally a "Post Gain" control which is a master volume. It's a great sounding pedal with a crisp top end and TONS of low end. If you dig the sound of these vintage amps like I do, then this pedal is for you. This is a completely hand made pedal that isn't available anywhere else. It has all top jacks with etched and tin plated PCBs that I designed and etched myself.
1 more order available- SOLD!
including shipping in the ContUSA
please allow an approximate 2-3 week build time