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Sanford & Sonny Bluebeard Clone

Since The Sanford and Sonny Bluebeard pedals are basically impossible to find these days, and I used to have one so I decided to build a clone of one for myself. JD Sleep of General Guitar Gadgets posted their version but it isn't an exact copy of it and after carefully studying the original, I found that the one posted on the GGG web schematic is actually NOT 100% correct. The Bluebeard was based on a 1973 Ram's head muff with a few modifications that are not included in the GGG schematic, including the later versions with the tone bypass switch. I made those modifications to reproduce the exact Sanford and Sonny Bluebeard pedal, and I'm calling mine the "Blackbeard".

Besides #1 (pictured) that I built for myself, I actually sold one to Sanford and Sonny, and am going to offer another ONE of them for sale.
(click the pictures below for a larger image)
The original Bluebeard that I traced:

shipped in the contUSA

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